Sunday, November 27, 2005

Mesothelioma Screening

Regular doctor appointments are crucial to ensure proper health, but exposure to asbestos presents added urgency to routine examinations. Asbestos-related diseases incubate for decades, and early detection is critical for proper treatment. People who worked in many industries such as construction, shipbuilding, and manufacturing are at particular risk of contracting these conditions.
Even the most talented and skilled doctors often mistake early symptoms of asbestos-related diseases for other, less hazardous conditions. Combined with the subtle nature of mesothelioma and a wealth of common symptoms, detection rests greatly on associating the proper symptoms with the proper diagnosis. Those with previous exposure to asbestos should alert their doctor to their medical history, so that doctors know what to look for and what tests to use.

The first test a doctor will most likely run uses a device called a thorascope in a procedure called a thoracoscopy. Through a small incision in the chest, a small sample of lung tissue is taken for biopsy to determine whether or not it is cancerous. This procedure is done in a hospital under local anesthetic and usually causes little pain. A doctor may also use a device called a peritoneoscope that looks inside the abdomen to collect tissue samples. Doctors also check for an excess amount of fluid and elect to drain it to ease pressure and relieve pain.

Should these tests prove inconclusive, more advanced tests such as a Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) scan gives doctors a three dimensional X-Ray of the tissue in question. This allows doctors to view potentially damaged areas before they manifest symptoms. Another option is called a Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan, or MRI. An MRI gives uses high energy magnetic fields to take cross-section pictures of internal structures to distinguish healthy tissues from malignant tissues. These two scans allow doctors to recognize dangers long before the patient feels any symptoms.

Even with the best screening techniques, mesothelioma often evades diagnosis. Early and constant screenings are paramount for those who have suffered asbestos exposure. Medical science produces breakthroughs every day, and eventually a cure will be found. Until then, victims of mesothelioma should take action against those responsible. Contact a lawyer in your state today so that you can receive reparations for your suffering.


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